what happened if we eat 2 banana daily.

If You Eat Two Bananas, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Banana is a fruit which is packed full of good stuff including vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that they're super easy to find at any grocery store and they're very affordable.

The following are some amazing health benefits of banana -


Bananas are low in sodium but high in potassium, which makes them a great food for your blood pressure and heart health.


It helps in easy movement as it contains a lot of fibre . Eat fresh and dried fruit. Fruit, especially dried fruit, is loaded with fiber and is one of the foods that help relieve constipation


Bananas are full of vitamins, minerals, and low glycemic carbohydrates, which helps in building stamina and helps your body to making good health and personality. which is most important for our new generations student. 


Bananas (preferably unripe) have natural antacids which will you in reducing heartburn.


Bananas helps in stimulating red blood cell and hemoglobin production as they contain Iron also.


Bananas have tryptophan, so after consuming them our body converts this into serotonin, which helps us in relieving stress and make us feel happy.
No wonder the minions and monkeys love banana so much.
                           THANK YOU
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  1. Didn't know half of these facts about banana. But I have so say, I have problems eating unripe banana. I love them best, when they are almost black...

    1. lara green thanks for commenting i hope u like this post . yes i agree even i don't like to eat unripe banana i like when they completely rip.

  2. Always knew this about bananas but looks like i have to learn how to eat it. It actually is not my favorite. Thanks for the share.

    1. thanks for commenting Victoria . i will suggest you have definitely eat banana and banana makes your body strong . if you eat

  3. Banana is a cool fruit which you can eat in many different ways. The good thing, no need to wash since the skin protects it and I dont eat the skin. :)


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